DL Armour drysuit – Slim Fit

New SLIM FIT design
Specification of DL Armour drysuit:
- Kevlar coated trilaminated fabric (Kevlar/Butyl rubber/Polyester)
- Durable but light material that makes moving easy
- Full protection in any circumstances due to the kevlar coating
- Hidden dry zip
- Latex neck seal
- Latex conical or bottleneck wrist seal
- Plastic dry zip is covered by an outer cover plastic zip
- Inlet vale is placed in the middle of chest
- Zippers are running next to each other to prevent abrasion
- Sewed with extra strong Cordura® thread
- Seams are sealed with Aquasure
- Velcro taped suspenders
- Telescoping torso
- Includes two 1000 Cordura® thigh pockets with flaps, both pockets has two separate cells for the spare equipment.
- No glue technique: Apeks swivel valves are fixed in with a rubber valve port to avoid gluing. This way it is easy to replace the valve while repairing, without damaging the drysuit
- Flexible rubber soled boots / neoprene socks
- Dry suit bag
- Si Tech Quick neck
- Si Tech Antares system
- Extra valve
- P-valve
- Plastic cuff seals
The pattern:
DL Armour drysuit is the latest family member at Dive Labs. With the innovative slim fit pattern and strong but very light kevlar coated fabric, you are fully protected in any kind water you dive in.
We believe that one of the most significant detail when making a drysuit is the pattern. Our specialised patterns are completely tuned to the diver’s needs and to the particular features of the trilaminated fabric, making the user always feel comfortable even when spending hours underwater. DLArmour is a front entry model drysuit, which makes getting dressed fast and easy without any help.